
Kempische Steenweg 311 - 2.13

3500 Hasselt - Belgium

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+32 11 44 10 60

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1. WEB Translations

A text optimized for the web does not call for a literal translation, but an SEO translation.

The language and target group are different, as is the way your foreign visitors enter their searches in Google.

Atrado® Translation Agency helps you to take this into account.

We compile a list of keywords in the foreign language for you and then process these keywords meticulously in all your translations.

This makes it easier for your contacts, even international ones, to find you online. 

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2. Transcreation

A creative text for a website, brochure or magazine would only suffer from a literal translation.

Our native speakers will rethink the text in the target language, while taking into account the culture and idiosyncracies of your international market.

If you want the translation to do justice to your carefully crafted business texts, transcreation is what you need.

The final goal is to leave out certain wording from the source document so that readers do not notice they are reading a translation.

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3. Technical Translations

Understanding the jargon of your industry and correctly translating the associated terminology remains our core business.

We select a native translator active in your sector. An engineer for example.

Does your company use its own vocabulary? Or are your products so innovative that terms are yet to be coined for them?

Even in this case, Atrado® Translation Agency provides a solution. We take care of the maintenance of your terminology lists and strictly keep to them.

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4. DTP Translations

DTP translation is one of Atrado®'s innovative services (DTP stands for Desktop Publishing). 

We import your translation directly into your original InDesign file. You will receive your translated text carefully prepared in the correct layout.

Reading or typing texts from Word into InDesign takes time, and therefore comes at a cost. What you save with DTP translation, you can invest in a new creative layout for your documents. 

Want to find out how this service can also simplify your workflow?

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5. Neural Machine Translation

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has made considerable progress in recent years and is now, in some cases, a very good basis for some professional translations.

NMT allows more documents to be translated in less time, with a level of accuracy and reliability that is currently similar to that of a human being.

To deliver high quality translations, ATRADO ensures that machine-translated content is adapted and proofread by a professional translator.

The objective of this quality control, adaptation and correction stage is to make the final content understandable and easy to read.

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